FS1 / Nursery Provision

Welcome to our FS1 provision for 3 to 4 year olds.

Children can start in our FS1 provision after their 3rd birthday.  We have 3 intake dates throughout the year:

September / January and April.

Why send your child to St Thomas'?

Children learn through play and our Staff produce detailed plans of the activities which the school provides each day and this variety of play helps your child to develop valuable skills, with the curriculum providing activities both indoors and out, weather permitting.

The guidance for this planning comes from the Early Years Foundation Stage requirements.

The principles of how children learn are grouped in to 4 complementary themes:

·     A unique child

·     Positive Relationships

·     Enabling Environments

·     Learning and Development

The learning and development part of the children’s education includes the following areas of learning:

·      Personal, Social and Emotional Development

·      Communication and Language

·      Physical Development

·      Literacy

·      Mathematics

·      Understanding the World

·      Expressive Arts and Design

Sessions and fees:
Funding is available to all children from the beginning of the term after their third birthday. All children will receive 15 hours of free childcare per week, with working parents being able to claim an additional 15 hours, if they meet the eligibility criteria (speak to your Local Authority for further details).  



Please find attached all the application documents you will need to apply for a place in our FS1 Provision.  Alternatively, you can give the school a call and we will send you the forms via post or you can call in to reception to pick a pack up.  We are also able to arrange visits if you would like to come and have a look around and meet our staff.   




